Firefly MBTI


Firefly seems to have been born fully-formed.

So many TV shows—especially sci-fi—take such a long time to find their feet, but the world of the Serenity and her crew just works from the word go. By the first episode or two, it already feels like we’re visiting family.

Truth is, we only have just over half a first season. Fourteen episodes. And in the meantime, there are characters harboring secrets and dark pasts that they won’t talk about, relationships on the verge of blossoming that we never quite get to see happen, and one character who’s brain-damaged and crazy.

Makes typing quite a trick.

Joss Whedon created nine distinct characters who would each provide a unique perspective on the ‘verse that they travelled through. Yet, each character was also a part of himself, and his distinct voice spoke through all of them. So I had a lot of unraveling to do to find everyone’s cognitive functions underneath all that delightful patter.

I’ve been wanting to do this series since the day I started this blog, and it’s taken this long to get to a point where I feel confident in my typings. Also, I really dug having an excuse to watch Firefly over and over, and it was always hard to hit that last episode and not want to go back again for more. Like, if you wished hard enough, there would magically be another dozen episodes waiting for you that somehow went missing before.

Alas, the show, and the typings, are done for now. Hop aboard, and we’ll spend some time with these Big Damn Heroes.

(Screencaps for this series come from

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