ISFJ: Marion Crane, “Psycho”


The Protector, The Cultivator, The Steward

Good evening.

Welcome to this bonus Halloween post. Spoilers for a 55-year-old film.

The term “Scream Queen” has been around for almost a hundred years now, since before Fay Wray shrieked her head off in the clutches of King Kong (1933). Janet Leigh’s performance as Marion Crane, however, gave birth to a dynasty. Slasher films from 1978’s Halloween—starring her daughter Jamie Lee Curtis—all the way to the new TV show Scream Queens—also featuring Jamie Lee—owe their pedigree to the ill-fated leading lady of the original Psycho.

If you really, truly, seriously don’t know what happens in Psycho, do not read this post. Go get yourself in touch with one of the milestones of pop culture and watch Alfred Hitchcock’s masterpiece. This blog will wait. So will your shower.

Dominant Function: (Si) Introverted Sensing, “Relive the Experience”


Marion’s been living a quiet life for a long time, just her and her spinster sister in their old family home, with pictures of mom still on the mantel. On the day we meet her, Marion’s acting wildly out of character, but she’s been reliable and dependable at her job for so long, no one suspects that she’s up to anything.

As crazy as it is what she’s doing, Marion remains careful and deliberate through the whole operation. She packs plenty of clothes, stops for a nap rather than drive through the night, and trades in her car for a new one to keep the police off her trail. When bad weather hits, she pulls in to a motel.

She really just wants a shower and a good night’s sleep, simple creature comforts to soothe the anxiety of her troubled day. She studies her room for a safe place to hide her stolen cash, and then joins her host for dinner. A weird but enlightening conversation with him convinces her to return home and go back to her normal life. Continue reading