ESFJ: Leeta, “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine”


ESFJ – the Provider, the Facilitator, the Caretaker

Like Kira, Leeta’s a young Bajoran woman who survived the Occupation. While one of them picked up a gun, the other picked up some Dabo skills. Kira’s Fi-dom makes her edgy and angry, while Leeta moves through the world with an Fe-dom’s openness and generosity, making her living as the life of the party in the hub of DS9’s communal bazaar.

They both fall for some pretty weird Introverted dudes, though.

Dominant Function: (Fe) Extraverted Feeling, “The Garden Fountain”


Like her ESFJ boss, Leeta’s gift is hospitality. She entertains guests every day at Quark’s Bar, coaxing their energy up to keep the room lively. Her job is to make sure everyone is happy, enthusiastic, and spending money. She’s something of an amateur sociologist, which comes in handy considering all the diverse people she meets in her line of work.

Leeta’s a very skilled people-person, and quick to make friends. She’s barely known Jadzia for more than a few weeks (like, one episode) before Dax invites her to participate in the very intimate ceremony of sharing a consciousness with one of her past hosts. She coyly flirts with Julian, feigning illness to get his attention; and when it’s time to break up, she finds an amicable way to do it that ensures no hard feelings. Continue reading