DS9 MBTI: Ezri Dax, an Introduction


DS9 had a gift for acknowledging its problems and working them into the story. The station got a starship. The captain got a makeover. The cranky Klingon came aboard to boost ratings, but was worked effectively into the cast of misfits.

And when a character had to be written out and replaced in the last year of the show, the new girl in town came in with as much confusion and uncertainty as you’d expect from anyone in that situation.

I admit to experiencing unhealthy youthful nerd-rage when Terry Farrell left DS9 abruptly, just one year before the finish line. I wanted to see my favorite show make it to the end with all its main characters intact, and on a character-dependent show like DS9, that seemed even more important than most. How do you go on with one of the most spirited, vital female characters ever created for Star Trek missing from your cast?

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