INFP: Mad Hatter, “Batman: The Animated Series”


INFP – the Healer, the Dreamer, the Clarifier

(aka: Jervis Tetch)

When I first started this blog, I made a chart of the Batman Villains and slotted one into each of the 16 Personality Types. Because Mad Hatter was obsessed with his fantasies, I plopped him in the “Dreamer” spot of the INFP. Not a very accurate way to go about it.

Now, a long while later, after I’ve had the time to learn my cognitive functions and give the villains a proper analysis, I’ve discovered that…oh, look at that. I was right in the first place.

It’s an INFP villain, everyone! And true to form, when an INFP goes villainous, we load up the crazy truck and take it for a ride.

Dominant Function: (Fi) Introverted Feeling, “The Deep Well”

MadHatter-INFP-pics01Mad Hatter fits the Mad Scientist tropes of many an INTP (like a couple of Batman’s other villains do), being that he’s working on electronic chips to control people’s brains. However, he’s clearly running on dominant Fi, not Ti. He’s deeply romantic, keeps a rich inner fantasy life, and is driven by passion and the need to connect with another kindred outsider like himself.

He just turns to mind-control experiments rather than emo poetry to express his angst.

Jervis loves him some Alice in Wonderland, and would rather live there than in the real outside world. He feels special and awkward, and believes that he sees the same thing in Alice, his co-worker. He can be quite gallant and charming with her, but once their romance doesn’t pan out, he grows resentful and bitter. Continue reading